Linsday Lohan’s Sarah Palin Halloween Costume

Barack Obama supporter Lindsay Lohan will dress up as Sarah Palin for Halloween to demonstrate her contempt for the Republican Vice-Presidential nominee. Linds will wear a costume that resembles 18 year old Sarah’s appearance at the 1984 Miss Alaska competition.

According to the New York Daily News, ‘The costume will include the glasses, the perky red suit and ample cleavage…Lohan gal pal Sam Ronson is thinking about dressing as Sarah’s snow-machine-ridin’ hunky hubby.‘ This is a good idea for the Halloween Costume Contest :]

194 Responses to “Linsday Lohan’s Sarah Palin Halloween Costume”

  1. china Says:

    HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! i fuckin hate sarah palin! go lohan!

  2. ace Says:

    eat a sandwich lohan

  3. boouwhore Says:


  4. Britt Says:


  5. alexia Says:


  6. hailie Says:

    wow, this is so beyond ridiculous….lindsay lohan just begs for attention. the mccain/palin ticket is the only hope we have. way to go lindsay. your probably to dumb to realize obama and mccain have the same exact views on gay marriage

  7. kjsfddkls Says:


  8. Tatiana Says:



  9. ace Says:

    Btw why is it that lohan and her gf are obssessed with making Palin a laughingstock.. I understand neither likes Palin’s agenda, but what good has Lohan ever said about Obama?

    Palin’s a hot woman, she’s in power, and still has good joints despite her age. Lohan for sure is jealous 😉

  10. heheee (RAY CLAN) Says:

    her head looks bigger than it should in that pic

  11. hateyou Says:

    what a weirdo

  12. Brendan JP Says:

    Is she a lesbian?

  13. hateyou Says:

    Is she a lesbian?
    where have you been? under a rock?

  14. natalieee Says:

    shes an assshole why would i want her to pick my next president?

  15. just sayin Says:

    shes an assshole why would i want her to pick my next president?


    sarah palin is running for vice-president.

  16. hailie Says:

    btw sam already looks like a hunky wilderness man…no need to dress up

  17. just sayin Says:

    Is she a lesbian?


    She has fucked too many guys to be a lesbian. I think the more apt term is: slut.

  18. hailie Says:

    shes an assshole why would i want her to pick my next president?


    sarah palin is running for vice-president.

    she is very pro obama…proves her ignorance

  19. Tatiana Says:

    Sad but true.

  20. james Says:

    wow, this is so beyond ridiculous….lindsay lohan just begs for attention. the mccain/palin ticket is the only hope we have. way to go lindsay. your probably to dumb to realize obama and mccain have the same exact views on gay marriage

    ahh i hate republicans. go die or something asshole. stop listening to what your parents are obviously spoon feeding you. and you obviously dont know jack shit. while mccain and obama may have the same views on gay marriage, obama does NOT want to make it illegal as he doesnt feel that its his place to tell someone what they can or cannot do. mccain on the other hand feels as if he has some sort of right to make it illegal for a gay person to get married. so get your facts straight moron. i am so sick of all of the little teenyboppers blabbering off their views that they are getting from their parents without fully doing their own research and making up their own minds. your probably not even old enough to vote because im sure if you were, you would have known that distinct differance in sen mccains and sen obamas views on gay marriage.

  21. Charley Says:

    obama/biden ’08!

  22. tia Says:

    sarah palin is running for vice-president.

    and go help us all if she gets into office

  23. tia Says:


  24. chloe Says:

    obama 08! im sure most of you republicans on this site just go by what you hear your parents saying, which is sad. you shuld get yourselves informed.

  25. hateyou Says:

    I’m not even american so i don’t even know.

  26. just sayin Says:

    and god help us all if she gets into office


    pew pew pew *winks*

  27. m nkj, Says:


  28. m nkj, Says:


  29. sarah Says:

    i dont like lindsay but that sunds funny. obama 08 baby!

  30. heyitscaitlyn (ray clan) Says:

    attention seeker alert

  31. hailie Says:

    wow, this is so beyond ridiculous….lindsay lohan just begs for attention. the mccain/palin ticket is the only hope we have. way to go lindsay. your probably to dumb to realize obama and mccain have the same exact views on gay marriage

    ahh i hate republicans. go die or something asshole. stop listening to what your parents are obviously spoon feeding you. and you obviously dont know jack shit. while mccain and obama may have the same views on gay marriage, obama does NOT want to make it illegal as he doesnt feel that its his place to tell someone what they can or cannot do. mccain on the other hand feels as if he has some sort of right to make it illegal for a gay person to get married. so get your facts straight moron. i am so sick of all of the little teenyboppers blabbering off their views that they are getting from their parents without fully doing their own research and making up their own minds. your probably not even old enough to vote because im sure if you were, you would have known that distinct differance in sen mccains and sen obamas views on gay marriage.
    haha okay that made me laugh so freakin hard becasue: im not a republican, i voted for hilary in the primaries (yes i voted, i am 18) my parents are not republican and have always strongly dissagreed with conservative views. you must not have your facts straight becasue i have done very much research and both parties do have the same view on gay marriage. they neither think it should be legal but both believe they should have the same rights as married couples, for example the right to visit in hospitals. so yes, i have done very much research. i have watched both presidential debeats and the vp one. i have read all their issues, i have watched news coverage from both liberal and conservative media outlets, and im not a teeny bopper lol. i however would never vote for a man that does not believe that the fact that america was founded on christan prinicpals is relevant, and has so many ties with anti american people, for example his preacher for 20 years. im not a republican, and im not a democrat anymore, i am making the decesion based on where i want my country to go. and by the way, gay marriage is not on the top of my list of why i chose who i want to be president, i am looking at bigger issues like war, econonmy, oil, immagration, and homeland security! dont EVER tell me im uninformed!!

  32. hailie Says:

    sarah palin is running for vice-president.

    and go help us all if she gets into office

    god will help us, becasue unlike senator obama, mccain/palin actually respect the fact that america was founded on christian principals

  33. hailie Says:

    talk about someone being “spoon fed beliefs” celebs have spoon fed people that we need obamas changes, and im sorry, if you take anything a celebrity says into consideration into choosing the next president you shouldnt be voting.

  34. lilly Says:

    and go help us all if she gets into office

    god will help us, becasue unlike senator obama, mccain/palin actually respect the fact that america was founded on christian principals


    ahhhhhh shut the fuck up! seriously! not EVERYONE is religous! geeez!

  35. hailie Says:

    and go help us all if she gets into office

    god will help us, becasue unlike senator obama, mccain/palin actually respect the fact that america was founded on christian principals


    ahhhhhh shut the fuck up! seriously! not EVERYONE is religous! geeez!

    that doesnt mean you shouldnt make informed decesions. im relegious, but that isnt why i chose to vote for mccain. i agree with his views about how to handle the war, healthcare, homeland security, and right now those are the most important things to me. like i said earlier, i voted for hilary in the primaries, unfortunately to many people were swayed by celebritys and obama sadly won the nomination. mccain is now the best choice for me.

  36. James Says:

    haha okay that made me laugh so freakin hard becasue: im not a republican, i voted for hilary in the primaries (yes i voted, i am 18) my parents are not republican and have always strongly dissagreed with conservative views. you must not have your facts straight becasue i have done very much research and both parties do have the same view on gay marriage. they neither think it should be legal but both believe they should have the same rights as married couples, for example the right to visit in hospitals. so yes, i have done very much research. i have watched both presidential debeats and the vp one. i have read all their issues, i have watched news coverage from both liberal and conservative media outlets, and im not a teeny bopper lol. i however would never vote for a man that does not believe that the fact that america was founded on christan prinicpals is relevant, and has so many ties with anti american people, for example his preacher for 20 years. im not a republican, and im not a democrat anymore, i am making the decesion based on where i want my country to go. and by the way, gay marriage is not on the top of my list of why i chose who i want to be president, i am looking at bigger issues like war, econonmy, oil, immagration, and homeland security! dont EVER tell me im uninformed!!


    you still sound VERY uninformed. like writing a bunch of random stuff is going to make it look like you know alot. it doesnt. just because you watched the debates does not mean that you know what your talking about. but since you are SO informed in your own little brain, and your looking at the bigger issues, feel free to give me your stance on war, economy, oil, immigration, and homeland security and what each candidate is aiming to do with each of thoose issues and why one candidates views appeal to you more than the others when it comes to that.

    btw sweetheart. I do have my facts straight. Obama does NOT want to ban gay marriage. He may not agree with it, but he does not want to outlaw it. McCain on the other hand does. What kind of a man thinks it is ok for him to decide someone elses fate?

    I await your weak response

  37. kaila Says:

    she just begs for attention..

  38. Tatiana Says:

    wow, this is so beyond ridiculous….lindsay lohan just begs for attention. the mccain/palin ticket is the only hope we have. way to go lindsay. your probably to dumb to realize obama and mccain have the same exact views on gay marriage

    ahh i hate republicans. go die or something asshole. stop listening to what your parents are obviously spoon feeding you. and you obviously dont know jack shit. while mccain and obama may have the same views on gay marriage, obama does NOT want to make it illegal as he doesnt feel that its his place to tell someone what they can or cannot do. mccain on the other hand feels as if he has some sort of right to make it illegal for a gay person to get married. so get your facts straight moron. i am so sick of all of the little teenyboppers blabbering off their views that they are getting from their parents without fully doing their own research and making up their own minds. your probably not even old enough to vote because im sure if you were, you would have known that distinct differance in sen mccains and sen obamas views on gay marriage.
    haha okay that made me laugh so freakin hard becasue: im not a republican, i voted for hilary in the primaries (yes i voted, i am 18) my parents are not republican and have always strongly dissagreed with conservative views. you must not have your facts straight becasue i have done very much research and both parties do have the same view on gay marriage. they neither think it should be legal but both believe they should have the same rights as married couples, for example the right to visit in hospitals. so yes, i have done very much research. i have watched both presidential debeats and the vp one. i have read all their issues, i have watched news coverage from both liberal and conservative media outlets, and im not a teeny bopper lol. i however would never vote for a man that does not believe that the fact that america was founded on christan prinicpals is relevant, and has so many ties with anti american people, for example his preacher for 20 years. im not a republican, and im not a democrat anymore, i am making the decesion based on where i want my country to go. and by the way, gay marriage is not on the top of my list of why i chose who i want to be president, i am looking at bigger issues like war, econonmy, oil, immagration, and homeland security! dont EVER tell me im uninformed!!


    I am loving you like a 2 dollar whore right now.
    I have to second that. My parents are definitely not conservative, but I am. I’m actually really religious and my mom isn’t and my dad is a different religion. Seriously, most of the religious teens I know made the decision based on themselves and most of the nonreligious, and even the religious but liberal have gotten their views from their parents. Ironic, isn’t it? How reidiculous that particular stereotype is? And I am 16, but I definitely have some friends who are able to vote but are way less informed than me.

  39. xoxogossipgirl Says:

    ahhhhhh shut the fuck up! seriously! not EVERYONE is religous! geeez!

    that doesnt mean you shouldnt make informed decesions. im relegious, but that isnt why i chose to vote for mccain. i agree with his views about how to handle the war, healthcare, homeland security, and right now those are the most important things to me. like i said earlier, i voted for hilary in the primaries, unfortunately to many people were swayed by celebritys and obama sadly won the nomination. mccain is now the best choice for me.

    wtf. i dont understand how you could have voted for hillary and now be supporting mccain/palin who’s views are ONE HUNDRED percent differant to that of clintons. makes no sense. its like you basically jumped ship once a black man was involved. and i hate throwing the race card out there but thats what it seems like, otherwise you would be supporting obama since his views are so closely tied into hillarys….

  40. xoxogossipgirl Says:

    ahh i hate republicans. go die or something asshole. stop listening to what your parents are obviously spoon feeding you. and you obviously dont know jack shit. while mccain and obama may have the same views on gay marriage, obama does NOT want to make it illegal as he doesnt feel that its his place to tell someone what they can or cannot do. mccain on the other hand feels as if he has some sort of right to make it illegal for a gay person to get married. so get your facts straight moron. i am so sick of all of the little teenyboppers blabbering off their views that they are getting from their parents without fully doing their own research and making up their own minds. your probably not even old enough to vote because im sure if you were, you would have known that distinct differance in sen mccains and sen obamas views on gay marriage.


    just wanted to applaud you! that was well said and I totally agree.

  41. Tatiana Says:

    and go help us all if she gets into office

    god will help us, becasue unlike senator obama, mccain/palin actually respect the fact that america was founded on christian principals


    ahhhhhh shut the fuck up! seriously! not EVERYONE is religous! geeez!


    Really? So you have no system of beliefs, and no morals of any kind? You don’t have any particular way you live your life?
    Just because you aren’t part of a set religion doesn’t mean you don’t have something that you believe in, and besides all that, the fact is that religion is the whole reason this country was founded.

  42. tia Says:

    wtf. i dont understand how you could have voted for hillary and now be supporting mccain/palin who’s views are ONE HUNDRED percent differant to that of clintons. makes no sense. its like you basically jumped ship once a black man was involved. and i hate throwing the race card out there but thats what it seems like, otherwise you would be supporting obama since his views are so closely tied into hillarys….

    omfg i know! there was a poll on for a while and it was asking if hillary supporters who now are backing mccain/palin made the switch because of race and it was insane, like 80% of people said yes! that shocked me! I was a diehard hillary fan but now Im rooting fr obama because his views and beliefs, for the most part, are the same as hers. mccain is pretty much the total opposite. I dont understand how someone could jump ship so easily and somehow justify that in their heads. its like saying that you love chicken and then one moring waking up and deciding you hate chicken and will only eat carrots. seriously.random!

  43. heheee (RAY CLAN) Says:

    oh wow, a political fight on a disney obsessed gossip sight.
    bahha wow.
    im not gonna even read these comments

  44. xoxogossipgirl Says:

    Really? So you have no system of beliefs, and no morals of any kind? You don’t have any particular way you live your life?
    Just because you aren’t part of a set religion doesn’t mean you don’t have something that you believe in, and besides all that, the fact is that religion is the whole reason this country was founded.

    im not religious at all. and i hate when people blabber on about ‘ohh america needs to get back to its christian ways’ well what abut the millions and millions of americans like myself who arent religious? we should not have to have a religion forced down our throats. and i know you wernt talking to me but i just ad to respond. and this country was founded a REALLY long time ago. people need to move on and realise that america has turned into a really really diverse place.

  45. hailie Says:

    you still sound VERY uninformed. like writing a bunch of random stuff is going to make it look like you know alot. it doesnt. just because you watched the debates does not mean that you know what your talking about. but since you are SO informed in your own little brain, and your looking at the bigger issues, feel free to give me your stance on war, economy, oil, immigration, and homeland security and what each candidate is aiming to do with each of thoose issues and why one candidates views appeal to you more than the others when it comes to that.

    btw sweetheart. I do have my facts straight. Obama does NOT want to ban gay marriage. He may not agree with it, but he does not want to outlaw it. McCain on the other hand does. What kind of a man thinks it is ok for him to decide someone elses fate?

    I await your weak response

    sorry i know it was a little messy. when i get frustrated i tend to just type random thoughts out of my head. WAR– I do not believe that the war should have been started, however i will loosely quote mccain when he said in the 1st presidential debate “its not whether or not the war should have been started it when we leave, how we leave, and what we leave behind”. I am not comfortable with have dates for an exit plan in iraq and essentially giving up the war. Pres. Bush has already allowed our country to look weak enough and I dont think we need to add to that by surrendering a war we started. That opens up so much potential for attacks on our soil. So many men have died over seas, i do not want that to be in vein. OIL: I want to begin off shore drilling and drilling in alaska. I do not want our country to be dependant on countries that do no have out best interest at heart. The countries we are indebted to due to oil have us by chains. We need to use our own great resources for oil to end dependence on other countries in the future and to create more jobs. That brings in the economy. We need to have more jobs HERE, and by drilling here that will create a ton of new jobs and boost our economy. We need to stop pork barrel spending, it has become so out of hand! We are spending billion upon billions of dollars in earmarks and thats not acceptable. Whats your views?

  46. charlotte Says:

    you guys fighting is super gay. mccain has his dumb views and obama has his. let it go. this is a site about disney stars so take your fighting somewhere else. seriously. this post wasnt even really about politics to begin with! it was about lindsay lohans crappy holloween costume! no1 wants to hear about your political views(i dont care if u are democrat r a republican) and no1 wants to hear your opinion on gay marriage or your stance n religion. your all idiots. just wait till november, cast your vote and hope to god your pick wins. but till then, go away!

  47. Julz Says:

    Okay, no offence to lindsay but her boobs hang down way to far! Like my grandma’s sorry linds, but thats my opinion.

  48. tia Says:

    sorry i know it was a little messy. when i get frustrated i tend to just type random thoughts out of my head. WAR– I do not believe that the war should have been started, however i will loosely quote mccain when he said in the 1st presidential debate “its not whether or not the war should have been started it when we leave, how we leave, and what we leave behind”. I am not comfortable with have dates for an exit plan in iraq and essentially giving up the war. Pres. Bush has already allowed our country to look weak enough and I dont think we need to add to that by surrendering a war we started. That opens up so much potential for attacks on our soil. So many men have died over seas, i do not want that to be in vein. OIL: I want to begin off shore drilling and drilling in alaska. I do not want our country to be dependant on countries that do no have out best interest at heart. The countries we are indebted to due to oil have us by chains. We need to use our own great resources for oil to end dependence on other countries in the future and to create more jobs. That brings in the economy. We need to have more jobs HERE, and by drilling here that will create a ton of new jobs and boost our economy. We need to stop pork barrel spending, it has become so out of hand! We are spending billion upon billions of dollars in earmarks and thats not acceptable.

    wow. you are DEFINATLEY a hardcore republican.

    and that i dont meant that in a nice way.

  49. hailie Says:

    omfg i know! there was a poll on for a while and it was asking if hillary supporters who now are backing mccain/palin made the switch because of race and it was insane, like 80% of people said yes! that shocked me! I was a diehard hillary fan but now Im rooting fr obama because his views and beliefs, for the most part, are the same as hers. mccain is pretty much the total opposite. I dont understand how someone could jump ship so easily and somehow justify that in their heads. its like saying that you love chicken and then one moring waking up and deciding you hate chicken and will only eat carrots. seriously.random!

    well, i do hate chicken, but i will explain to you my reasoning in not voting for obama, and i didnt pull the race card. —–He is too closely associated with radicals, such as his preacher of 20 years and he is associated with the man that attempted to blow up the pentagon a few years back. His expierience is weak, and i know what youre going to say, what about palin, well palin has been in polatics since 1992. people just refuse to recognize that. im not gonna lie, im not comfortable with how much he is associated with the muslim religion, myself being christian. radical muslims are the ones that plot againt america. i dont like how michelle obama said she was never proud of america until her husband began to run for president. in retrospect i probably should have voted for mccain in the primaires, but i wasnt as informed in march as i am now, becasue since then i have spent a lot of time researching who i want to be president. however, i fully back him now, and would be proud to have a man lead my coutry who has fought and been badly injured in war and who has many many years in the senate.

  50. Tatiana Says:

    Really? So you have no system of beliefs, and no morals of any kind? You don’t have any particular way you live your life?
    Just because you aren’t part of a set religion doesn’t mean you don’t have something that you believe in, and besides all that, the fact is that religion is the whole reason this country was founded.

    im not religious at all. and i hate when people blabber on about ‘ohh america needs to get back to its christian ways’ well what abut the millions and millions of americans like myself who arent religious? we should not have to have a religion forced down our throats. and i know you wernt talking to me but i just ad to respond. and this country was founded a REALLY long time ago. people need to move on and realise that america has turned into a really really diverse place.


    I think you missed the point of my response, and I never said that we should all be Christian. But I do think that by saying religion shouldn’t be involved in the government, we are giving atheism, which to be honest, is basically a religion without church, the room to take over. The whole point of this country wasn’t US: The land of no religion, it was US: The land of all religion. So I think instead of pushing all religions out, we should be considerate of all religions(including atheism).

  51. hailie Says:

    wow. you are DEFINATLEY a hardcore republican.

    and that i dont meant that in a nice way.

    wow i really dont care, and no im not. i guess you could say im independant choosing to vote republican. i always thought when i was old enough to vote i would vote democrat, but its just not how it happened. given the situations america is in now, mccain is the best choice for me. actually i have spent most of my life being taught to hate all things republican, but when i got old enough to vote, i made the decesion i wanted to, and i didnt choose becasue of party. it actually kinda hurts to push the republican button, but it feels good to know that i am with mccain being that one to represent it

  52. Julia Says:

    Palin is a complete moron. I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no respect for the woman. Politicians owe it to the public to give interviews and answer our questioned. What a terrible VP pick!
    Although, I’m pretty bias against anyone that wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade (and can’t name another controversial Supreme Court Case, scary isn’t it?).

    But I’m not old enough to vote so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see (I’m 17).

  53. hailie Says:

    I think you missed the point of my response, and I never said that we should all be Christian. But I do think that by saying religion shouldn’t be involved in the government, we are giving atheism, which to be honest, is basically a religion without church, the room to take over. The whole point of this country wasn’t US: The land of no religion, it was US: The land of all religion. So I think instead of pushing all religions out, we should be considerate of all religions(including atheism).

    thats true. no beliefs at all is a belief in itself. you have to have something that gives you guidance in how your decesions are based.

  54. hailie Says:

    Palin is a complete moron. I’m sorry, but I have absolutely no respect for the woman. Politicians owe it to the public to give interviews and answer our questioned. What a terrible VP pick!
    Although, I’m pretty bias against anyone that wants to overturn Roe vs. Wade (and can’t name another controversial Supreme Court Case, scary isn’t it?).

    But I’m not old enough to vote so I guess I’ll just have to wait and see (I’m 17).
    just becasue she doesnt support abortion rights doesnt make her an idiot. thats her beliefs.

  55. Julia Says:

    just becasue she doesnt support abortion rights doesnt make her an idiot. thats her beliefs.

    Separation of chuch and state.
    Her beliefs should have nothing to do with.

  56. hailie Says:

    you guys fighting is super gay. mccain has his dumb views and obama has his. let it go. this is a site about disney stars so take your fighting somewhere else. seriously. this post wasnt even really about politics to begin with! it was about lindsay lohans crappy holloween costume! no1 wants to hear about your political views(i dont care if u are democrat r a republican) and no1 wants to hear your opinion on gay marriage or your stance n religion. your all idiots. just wait till november, cast your vote and hope to god your pick wins. but till then, go away!

    then dont come in here. sometime people want to have a semi-educated discussion that doesnt revolved around if you are team miley or team selena.

  57. hailie Says:

    just becasue she doesnt support abortion rights doesnt make her an idiot. thats her beliefs.

    Separation of chuch and state.
    Her beliefs should have nothing to do with.

    thats how political parties are formed based on beliefs. whether or not you have conservative views or lieberal views.

  58. tia Says:

    omfg i know! there was a poll on for a while and it was asking if hillary supporters who now are backing mccain/palin made the switch because of race and it was insane, like 80% of people said yes! that shocked me! I was a diehard hillary fan but now Im rooting fr obama because his views and beliefs, for the most part, are the same as hers. mccain is pretty much the total opposite. I dont understand how someone could jump ship so easily and somehow justify that in their heads. its like saying that you love chicken and then one moring waking up and deciding you hate chicken and will only eat carrots. seriously.random!

    well, i do hate chicken, but i will explain to you my reasoning in not voting for obama, and i didnt pull the race card. —–He is too closely associated with radicals, such as his preacher of 20 years and he is associated with the man that attempted to blow up the pentagon a few years back. His expierience is weak, and i know what youre going to say, what about palin, well palin has been in polatics since 1992. people just refuse to recognize that. im not gonna lie, im not comfortable with how much he is associated with the muslim religion, myself being christian. radical muslims are the ones that plot againt america. i dont like how michelle obama said she was never proud of america until her husband began to run for president. in retrospect i probably should have voted for mccain in the primaires, but i wasnt as informed in march as i am now, becasue since then i have spent a lot of time researching who i want to be president. however, i fully back him now, and would be proud to have a man lead my coutry who has fought and been badly injured in war and who has many many years in the senate.

    your idiotic and biased comments are really getting on my nerves. i bet if obama had 50 years expirience and had not ‘been linked’ to any radicals you still would not vote for him. btw. i hope you realise how racist you sounded when you said your not comfortable with him being so closely linked ot the muslim religion. you will deny it ofcourse.but your true colours came out in that one statement. and I hate when republicans, like yourself, play the POW card with mccain. who cares if he fought in the wear. he obviously didnt do a very good job since he was captured.

  59. tia Says:


  60. Julia Says:

    thats true. no beliefs at all is a belief in itself. you have to have something that gives you guidance in how your decesions are based.
    Atheism is not a religion. As an atheist my decisions are based on logic. I think that people should be able to make their own choices.

  61. hailie Says:

    your idiotic and biased comments are really getting on my nerves. i bet if obama had 50 years expirience and had not ‘been linked’ to any radicals you still would not vote for him. btw. i hope you realise how racist you sounded when you said your not comfortable with him being so closely linked ot the muslim religion. you will deny it ofcourse.but your true colours came out in that one statement. and I hate when republicans, like yourself, play the POW card with mccain. who cares if he fought in the wear. he obviously didnt do a very good job since he was captured.

    quote me correctly when i said RADICAL muslims, and its a fact that is the group that plotted 9/11.

  62. hailie Says:

    Atheism is not a religion. As an atheist my decisions are based on logic. I think that people should be able to make their own choices.
    okay, but still you believe there is no higher being, so dont base you decesions based on what a higher power thinks, but your own logic. and somewhere you developed that sense of logic.

  63. james Says:

    your idiotic and biased comments are really getting on my nerves. i bet if obama had 50 years expirience and had not ‘been linked’ to any radicals you still would not vote for him. btw. i hope you realise how racist you sounded when you said your not comfortable with him being so closely linked ot the muslim religion. you will deny it ofcourse.but your true colours came out in that one statement. and I hate when republicans, like yourself, play the POW card with mccain. who cares if he fought in the wear. he obviously didnt do a very good job since he was captured.


    could not agree with you more. this girl is just digging herself into a deeper hole. she needs to take her racist ignorant views and go somewhere else. how anyone could say they were a hardcore hillary fan and then jump ship so quickly is totally beyond me. its voters like this who got us into the mess we’re in right now with Bush. All i can hope is that they dont do it again.

  64. Julia Says:

    thats how political parties are formed based on beliefs. whether or not you have conservative views or lieberal views.

    But isn’t given people the choice the best way to go then? Even if you our pro-life then isn’t is unfair to force you beliefs on other people? I’m pro-choice because I think that people should have the right to chose. Pro-choice is not pro-death.

  65. tia Says:

    your idiotic and biased comments are really getting on my nerves. i bet if obama had 50 years expirience and had not ‘been linked’ to any radicals you still would not vote for him. btw. i hope you realise how racist you sounded when you said your not comfortable with him being so closely linked ot the muslim religion. you will deny it ofcourse.but your true colours came out in that one statement. and I hate when republicans, like yourself, play the POW card with mccain. who cares if he fought in the wear. he obviously didnt do a very good job since he was captured.

    quote me correctly when i said RADICAL muslims, and its a fact that is the group that plotted 9/11.

    your still a racist. you can tell yourself your not if it will make you feel better. but you are.

  66. Julia Says:

    okay, but still you believe there is no higher being, so dont base you decesions based on what a higher power thinks, but your own logic. and somewhere you developed that sense of logic.

    Wow… yes, but you are getting yourself into a circle right there. Are you insinuating that people that believe in a higher power don’t use their own logic?

  67. tia Says:

    im not comfortable with how much he is associated with the muslim religion, myself being christian

    theres your quote. now explain to me how that is not racist?

  68. hailie Says:

    But isn’t given people the choice the best way to go then? Even if you our pro-life then isn’t is unfair to force you beliefs on other people? I’m pro-choice because I think that people should have the right to chose. Pro-choice is not pro-death.
    but its not legal to kill someone after they are birthed, so that goes into the arguement of when does life begin and when is it murder. conservatives believe abortion is muder and muder is illegal. im not sure about my views on abortion so that didnt come into play when i chose who to vote for. my morals and my thoughts kind of conflict on that, i based my descion on what i think is putting our country in the most peril, war, economy, and oil. so i guess i wont comment anymore on abortion.

  69. IM BACK BITCHES!!!!!!!!!!!!*team anyone but miley!* Says:

    hailee. your a very ignorant person. your comments, on first glance I think they are going to hold so much substance and then I read them and find alot of empy facts and zero meaning. You say your not a republican–and thats laughable! You sound like a little cheerleader for mccain and palin. maybe thats what you should dress up as for halloween! oh wait, your already wearing the costume right now!

  70. hailie Says:

    Wow… yes, but you are getting yourself into a circle right there. Are you insinuating that people that believe in a higher power don’t use their own logic?

    no im just trying to say your logic is your belief system. i mean im not against anyone being atheist. i was just trying to get to the point that all decesions are driven by something.

  71. amy Says:

    hailee. your a very ignorant person. your comments, on first glance I think they are going to hold so much substance and then I read them and find alot of empy facts and zero meaning. You say your not a republican–and thats laughable! You sound like a little cheerleader for mccain and palin. maybe thats what you should dress up as for halloween! oh wait, your already wearing the costume right now!

    LMFAO! but thats so true! ive just been reading her comments and i about fell out of my chair laughing when I saw the one that said she wasnt a republican! hahaha! thats even bigger denial than zac efron saying hes not gay

  72. ? Says:

    She doesnt really have to wear a costume to look scary on halloween…

  73. hailie Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.

  74. Julia Says:

    but its not legal to kill someone after they are birthed, so that goes into the arguement of when does life begin and when is it murder. conservatives believe abortion is muder and muder is illegal. im not sure about my views on abortion so that didnt come into play when i chose who to vote for. my morals and my thoughts kind of conflict on that, i based my descion on what i think is putting our country in the most peril, war, economy, and oil. so i guess i wont comment anymore on abortion.

    I actually didn’t want to talk about abortion. I mainly wanted to say the other things I said in my first comment. But everyone /loves/ to talk about religion.

    As for the war, economy, and oil.
    No comment on war or the economy. I know they are huge issues, but I’m not educated enough to make an intelligent, informed comment. Although I will say that listening to the news I do have my own views.
    We really need to find alternatives to oil. Drilling in Alaska seems like we are covering the problem with a band-aid. I’m for nuclear power, which both candidates are (to different extents).

  75. Julia Says:

    no im just trying to say your logic is your belief system. i mean im not against anyone being atheist. i was just trying to get to the point that all decesions are driven by something.

    And I think that they shouldn’t be driven by a belief in a higher power, because not everyone believes in one. People should have a choice.

  76. amy Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.


  77. Julia Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.

    I think you need to do a little more research and not on the web. People can write whatever they want on the internet and people are crazy. Watch interviews and check reliable information, because clearly you haven’t been.

  78. hailie Says:

    And I think that they shouldn’t be driven by a belief in a higher power, because not everyone believes in one. People should have a choice.

    yeah i understand that. i think this began at the beginning of this post when someone said there decesions should be based on beliefs, and somone said relegious or not everyone has some sort of beliefs, wheter it be in belief of a higher power or belief that there is no higher power. thats what im trying to say, that not believing in god or gods is a belief itself, if that makes sense.

  79. Julia Says:

    Although I totally respect you voting for whoever you want. Your information is just… wrong. Very wrong.

  80. tia Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.

    im nt proud of america either. how could anyone be proud of the shit this country has caused to so many people around the world in the past 8 years. so i applaud michelle obama for not being afraid to be honest. she could have lied and said ‘ohh america is just so wonderful and great’, but instead, she told the truth. im sure cindy mccain would not have done that. but seriously, since you seem to be the only diehard republican on this tong, go to fox news or something, cuz i think i can speak for everyone when I say im sick and tired of your ignorant comments. I know your trying to make logical points. but your failing miserably each time. its people like you who elected george bush 8 years ago. I hate the fact that once again, people like you are going to make that same mistake.(and yes i know u culdnt vote 8 years ago, im speaking in general)

  81. hailie Says:

    I think you need to do a little more research and not on the web. People can write whatever they want on the internet and people are crazy. Watch interviews and check reliable information, because clearly you haven’t been.

    no i have, the only thing i have gotten from the internet is from mccain and obamas offical site.

  82. Julia Says:

    yeah i understand that. i think this began at the beginning of this post when someone said there decesions should be based on beliefs, and somone said relegious or not everyone has some sort of beliefs, wheter it be in belief of a higher power or belief that there is no higher power. thats what im trying to say, that not believing in god or gods is a belief itself, if that makes sense.

    Yes, and I’m saying that giving a choice allows people to decide for themselves. I didn’t argue that non-theism isn’t a belief. Although I did say it wasn’t a religion, which it is not.

  83. Clair Says:

    I’m totally 100% with Hailie on all this.

    I’m voting for McCain.

    Can anyone list any real accomplishments of Obama’s? And I don’t mean personal accomplishments, I’m referring to things he’s actually done for this country.

  84. james Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.

    you are so misinformed its kind of sad. have fun voting for the wrong candidate in november and if he wins, enjoy this country going even more downhill than it already has

  85. Julia Says:

    no i have, the only thing i have gotten from the internet is from mccain and obamas offical site.

    I sincerely doubt that because you are citing conspiracy theories as facts.

  86. hailie Says:

    im nt proud of america either. how could anyone be proud of the shit this country has caused to so many people around the world in the past 8 years. so i applaud michelle obama for not being afraid to be honest. she could have lied and said ‘ohh america is just so wonderful and great’, but instead, she told the truth. im sure cindy mccain would not have done that. but seriously, since you seem to be the only diehard republican on this tong, go to fox news or something, cuz i think i can speak for everyone when I say im sick and tired of your ignorant comments. I know your trying to make logical points. but your failing miserably each time. its people like you who elected george bush 8 years ago. I hate the fact that once again, people like you are going to make that same mistake.(and yes i know u culdnt vote 8 years ago, im speaking in general)

    yeah, bush has been the worst president ever, but you have never been proud of america? you werent proud of america when we were the most respected nation, or when our dollar was worth the most. when we were the leaders of the world? when our economy was thriving and strong?

  87. team anyone but miley!! Says:

    THIS IS TO EVERYONE::: i said i few posts back that i probably should not have voted for hilary, i was uninformed and let my parents and things i was taught as a child to influenece it more than the issues. after i researched it i was more comfortable with mccain. i feel very imformed now. back to the racist comments, what im trying to get at is obama attented a church for 20 years led by a radical muslim. i want to emphasize the word radical. the group of people that plotted 9/11. he is also associated with the man that made a failed attempt to blow up the pentagon. His wife wasnt proud of america until her husband ran for president. please, research and vote for who you think is best. for me that is mccain. thats not for everyone, i realize.


    im confused. do you actually believe all the things you’ve been saying? because you really dont seem to be very educated in any of this. almost everything you have said has been generalisations and repeating previous comments.

  88. Julia Says:

    yeah, bush has been the worst president ever, but you have never been proud of america? you werent proud of america when we were the most respected nation, or when our dollar was worth the most. when we were the leaders of the world? when our economy was thriving and strong?

    McCain has voted with Bush almost 100% of the time last year.

  89. hailie Says:

    you are so misinformed its kind of sad. have fun voting for the wrong candidate in november and if he wins, enjoy this country going even more downhill than it already has

    can you tell me your beliefs and why your voting for obama. everyone has attacked me for saying why im voting for mccain, but no one has said why theyre voting obama

  90. hailie Says:

    im confused. do you actually believe all the things you’ve been saying? because you really dont seem to be very educated in any of this. almost everything you have said has been generalisations and repeating previous comments.

    yeah im confused to, becasue no one has given me a political topic to defend, only tell me how ignorant i am for voting republican.

  91. Julia Says:

    To be honest, I think McCain is going to die soon. Scariest thing ever? Sarah Palin becoming president.

  92. tia Says:

    im nt proud of america either. how could anyone be proud of the shit this country has caused to so many people around the world in the past 8 years. so i applaud michelle obama for not being afraid to be honest. she could have lied and said ‘ohh america is just so wonderful and great’, but instead, she told the truth. im sure cindy mccain would not have done that. but seriously, since you seem to be the only diehard republican on this tong, go to fox news or something, cuz i think i can speak for everyone when I say im sick and tired of your ignorant comments. I know your trying to make logical points. but your failing miserably each time. its people like you who elected george bush 8 years ago. I hate the fact that once again, people like you are going to make that same mistake.(and yes i know u culdnt vote 8 years ago, im speaking in general)

    yeah, bush has been the worst president ever, but you have never been proud of america? you werent proud of america when we were the most respected nation, or when our dollar was worth the most. when we were the leaders of the world? when our economy was thriving and strong?

    did u even READ my comment! i said in the past EIGHT years. meaning while bush has been in command. and thankfully for most of thoose years I was actually living in New Zealand didnt have to put up with all of his BS. but I saw the affect it had on the world. and its so upsetting that this country doesnt realise how important it is to get out of the mess their in and vote ANYONE other than mccain, since he is bascially Bush in disguise. The things the world has had to put up with. its embarassing. I was always so embaraased to say i was american because of how hated this country is. And now that ive seen America from the outside looking in AND as a citizen living here(i am american born btw), I see just how important it is to make sure that McCain and ESPECIALLY sarah palin do NOT get into office.

  93. hailie Says:

    To be honest, I think McCain is going to die soon. Scariest thing ever? Sarah Palin becoming president.

    whats your political reasons? not your predicitions of death

  94. Julia Says:

    yeah im confused to, becasue no one has given me a political topic to defend, only tell me how ignorant i am for voting republican.

    You voting republican is totally fine. The misinformation you are spewing makes you sound ignorant.

    I’m an independent, right in the middle of the political spectrum.

  95. james Says:

    im confused. do you actually believe all the things you’ve been saying? because you really dont seem to be very educated in any of this. almost everything you have said has been generalisations and repeating previous comments.

    yeah im confused to, becasue no one has given me a political topic to defend, only tell me how ignorant i am for voting republican.

    your not ignorant for voting republican. but every single one of your comments has been amazingly ignorant and uninformed.

  96. hailie Says:

    did u even READ my comment! i said in the past EIGHT years. meaning while bush has been in command. and thankfully for most of thoose years I was actually living in New Zealand didnt have to put up with all of his BS. but I saw the affect it had on the world. and its so upsetting that this country doesnt realise how important it is to get out of the mess their in and vote ANYONE other than mccain, since he is bascially Bush in disguise. The things the world has had to put up with. its embarassing. I was always so embaraased to say i was american because of how hated this country is. And now that ive seen America from the outside looking in AND as a citizen living here(i am american born btw), I see just how important it is to make sure that McCain and ESPECIALLY sarah palin do NOT get into office.

    this is where everyone gets me, they hate mccain becasue he is the same party as bush. he isnt bush, he is mccain. still, besides your hate for bush, no one has said a reason to vote for obama. i want to hear some issues like war, economy, oil and how yall feel about them instead of just bashin me.

  97. hailie Says:

    You voting republican is totally fine. The misinformation you are spewing makes you sound ignorant.

    I’m an independent, right in the middle of the political spectrum.

    ok, whats misinformed, and what is the correct way?

  98. Julia Says:

    whats your political reasons? not your predicitions of death

    Palin wants more power given to the Vice President
    Palin is Pro-life and supports teaching creationism/ID
    Palin can’t name another contraversial court case other than Roe v Wade
    Palin didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine was
    Palin couldn’t cite an example of McCain calling for more regulations

    And a plethora of other reasons.

  99. hailie Says:

    whats your political reasons? not your predicitions of death

    Palin wants more power given to the Vice President
    Palin is Pro-life and supports teaching creationism/ID
    Palin can’t name another contraversial court case other than Roe v Wade
    Palin didn’t know what the Bush Doctrine was
    Palin couldn’t cite an example of McCain calling for more regulations

    And a plethora of other reasons.
    ok, i support teaching creationism becasue i firmly believe in it, so that is a plus for me. do you know what the bush doctrtine is? are you kidding me about her being uninformed about other things? everyone thoughts are being to skewed by tina fey on saturday night live.

  100. team anyone but miley!! Says:

    this is where everyone gets me, they hate mccain becasue he is the same party as bush. he isnt bush, he is mccain. still, besides your hate for bush, no one has said a reason to vote for obama. i want to hear some issues like war, economy, oil and how yall feel about them instead of just bashin me.
    I never said I was voting for Obama. Too be honest, I may not vote. Because there is NO way in hell McCain would ever get my vot. and heres some of the reasons. They are more personal issues I have agaisnt him.

    His stance on gay marriage. He is a politician, so what right does he have make a law that will prevent two people form being happy?!! Its not like it is going to affect HIS life. That is just so disgusting to me.

    His view on the war. He even said he was willing to keep the war going for ‘100 more years if need be’. ummm wtf?!?! While almost every decent human being wants us OUT of the war, he is willing to keep is it going because he is too cocky to admit defeat.

    His pro life views. While I personally do NOT believe in abortion, i know that alot of people do and often have no other option and I dont think that he has any right to tell a woman what she can and cannot do. Once again, he is digusting.

    His campaign ads. May seem like nothing but why would I ever want a president who stoops to such low and classless attacks n his opponents to try and gain votes?

    The fact that he choose sarah palin as his running mate. first, how dumb does he think we are?!?! its clear to annoying with a brain he choose her to try and get the woman vote after obama did not choose hillary. and secondly, what kind of moron chooses that redneck lowlclass b!tch to be his running mate! she could be president if he wins and that is one of the main reasons I would NEVER vote for him!!

    and I have ALOT of other reasons but this election, i am voting(or not voting maybe) based on my personal beleifs and views. Just like you are. however, race is not playing a card in my reasonings and i am not a little cheerleader for either candidate

  101. hailie Says:

    james—you were very adament about how informed and ignorant i am, but even though i asked you 3 different times about your beliefs regarding war, oil, immagration, homeland security, and the economny you have yet to give me an answer.

  102. Julia Says:

    ok, i support teaching creationism becasue i firmly believe in it, so that is a plus for me. do you know what the bush doctrtine is? are you kidding me about her being uninformed about other things? everyone thoughts are being to skewed by tina fey on saturday night live.

    I have a basic understanding of the Bush Doctrine, but I’m not running for office, am I?
    And no, I’m not being skewed by Tina Fey. I’ve seen the actual interviews.

  103. Julia Says:

    And she actually couldn’t name another court case or cite a specific time when McCain has called for more regulations on wall street in the past.

  104. hailie Says:

    anyone but miley— im glad to hear somone elses views. i respect your views and as long as you have some thats great! even though ours beliefs are obviously completly different, you didnt just bash me over and over and then leave without saying your views. as long as people know what they want and feel informed thats all that mattters when stepping into the election booth.

  105. tia Says:

    james—you were very adament about how informed and ignorant i am, but even though i asked you 3 different times about your beliefs regarding war, oil, immagration, homeland security, and the economny you have yet to give me an answer.

    uhhh maybe he he isint online anymore…im sure not everyone wants to sit here and watch you make an idiot of yourself. but I do.

  106. hailie Says:

    ok julia, thanks, i clearly dont see it that way, but as long as your views arent skwed by tina feys impressions then everything is great. im just afraid to many people are getting their political news off snl. i know what i find important in a candidate and that what im voting for as do you.

  107. Julia Says:

    I’m actually unhappy about both candidates views on gay marriage. They are both against it. Their views are exactly the same miley.

  108. hailie Says:

    uhhh maybe he he isint online anymore…im sure not everyone wants to sit here and watch you make an idiot of yourself. but I do.

    then can you tell me your beliefs on the war, enconomy, oil, homeland security, and why you prefer obama?

  109. hailie Says:

    thanks julia. that was actually my very 1st point in this post is that both candidates have the same view on gay marriage. james told me what an idiot i was for saying that then ran off without telling me his views.

  110. Stacy Lynn Says:

    Here we go again. Even Hilary’s main supporter has come out for McCain/Palin ticket. The president of N.O.W has come out for McCain/Palin ticket.
    If you want a socialist as a president you will vote for Obama personally I don’t want that FAR LEFT or FAR RIGHT to become president.
    I think McCain is NOT totally a Right winger so he is the one that should be out of all of them President!

  111. Julia Says:

    Yes, he was probably confusing McCain with Palin, who I believe is completely against it. Even civil unions, though don’t quote me on that.

  112. hailie Says:

    Here we go again. Even Hilary’s main supporter has come out for McCain/Palin ticket. The president of N.O.W has come out for McCain/Palin ticket.
    If you want a socialist as a president you will vote for Obama personally I don’t want that FAR LEFT or FAR RIGHT to become president.
    I think McCain is NOT totally a Right winger so he is the one that should be out of all of them President!


  113. hailie Says:

    es, he was probably confusing McCain with Palin, who I believe is completely against it. Even civil unions, though don’t quote me on that.

    no in the vp debate palin said she agreed with biden 100% on gay marriage.

  114. Julia Says:

    no in the vp debate palin said she agreed with biden 100% on gay marriage.

    Yes, but her personal beliefs, if she were to become president.

  115. team anyone but miley!! Says:

    I’m actually unhappy about both candidates views on gay marriage. They are both against it. Their views are exactly the same miley.

    but obama doesnt want to ban it. mccain does. to me that is a huge differance. but thats just me.

  116. Julia Says:

    but obama doesnt want to ban it. mccain does. to me that is a huge differance. but thats just me.

    Nope, McCain isn’t calling for a ban. Both are for civil unions, not to be recognized as a marriage.

  117. hailie Says:

    no in the vp debate palin said she agreed with biden 100% on gay marriage.

    Yes, but her personal beliefs, if she were to become president.

    but politically she believes that gay couples should have tax rights, and the right to hospital visits etc

  118. team anyone but miley!! Says:

    no in the vp debate palin said she agreed with biden 100% on gay marriage.

    Yes, but her personal beliefs, if she were to become president.

    but politically she believes that gay couples should have tax rights, and the right to hospital visits etc

    nope. she doesnt. thats something she wants to change if she gets into office.

  119. hailie Says:

    miley— im sure they arent many things you can find mccain and obama agree on, but gay marriage is something they have the exact views about.

  120. Julia Says:

    but politically she believes that gay couples should have tax rights, and the right to hospital visits etc

    Politically she is agreeing with McCain.

  121. Julia Says:

    I’m going to bed, I have school tomorrow and it’s 3:30 am.

  122. hailie Says:

    nope. she doesnt. thats something she wants to change if she gets into office.

    miley. im sorry, youre wrong. did you watch the vp debates? she said plain and clear. “I agree with senator Biden. I do not believe in gay marriage, however i do believe in civil unions. I believe they should have the same rights as married couples”

  123. team anyone but miley!! Says:

    I’m going to bed, I have school tomorrow and it’s 3:30 am.

    me 2! lol but this was interesting. just proved to me even more how ignorant and biased sme republicans can be

  124. hailie Says:

    it just proved how uninformed you are miley. but believe what you want, vote for who you want, nothing i say on oceanup will change anyones mind haha. it was fun to discuss this instead of selena gomez and miley cyrus. again, im independant voting republican

  125. hailie Says:

    oh and i dont want anyone to think im running away from this topic–**tia,james** so if anyone would like to discuss it any further e-mail me at

  126. i heart vfc Says:

    actually haile, i backed you up on a lot of what you said, in the sense that it goes with the party your voting for. i think people are being a bit ridiulous throwing down the ‘uninformed’ ‘ignorant’ cards without anything to back it up. a lot of her points were valid. some may not agree with them, but the points were valid. and since when can you be “racist” towards a religion? hm.

    i personally am more swayed obama. economy wise, i completely back his tax policy. i wasn’t for the bailout at all, which is slightly contradictory but whatever. and we’re screwed one way or another with the war. people think mccain wants to keep us in and obama’s going to get us out, which is so far from truth. all obama is going to do is, yea pull out, and send us right back in somewhere else. i’d say i back obama’s plan for war more than mccain though.

    truthfully, i’m not exactly backing either one 100%. both have gotten on my nerves a lot regarding many of the issues. eh. may the man who can get us out of this whole win.

  127. =] Says:




    i hope you were kidding XD

  128. clinker Says:


  129. platinum byotch Says:

    Lindsay looks pretty in this picture. She should ditch the man bitch and stop fighting with P Hil. If Paris and Lindsay become BFFLs again, then maybe Linds would ho back to guys and Par would stop dressing like a stripper at apple lounge.

  130. KrissiDissi Says:


  131. LALALA Says:

    It’s soo WEIRD!
    In Australia, no one shares who they are going to vote for.
    No one ever goes and shows there support for a particular member of parliament, it’s considered to be one of those things that are just so private out here.
    SO to see celebrities wearing these badges and t-shirts and publicly expressing who they would vote for is kinda uncomfortable, haha

  132. GABRIELLEEEEE(: Says:

    Is she a lesbian?
    where have you been? under a rock?



  133. typical Says:

    lindsay lohan makes me want to puke. end of story.
    seriously, she just sounds like she’s desperately seeking attention.

  134. GABRIELLEEEEE(: Says:

    ok… ?

  135. Sam Says:

    I really hate talking about religion and politics when narrow minded, idiots people have different views, and with Obama and people pulling the whole Muslim and terrorist card you get the worst of both worlds this years.

    When talking with a whole bunch of narrow minded, ignorant people that include most of oceanUP’s readers it’s impossible to get a point across if you’re with McCain without being accused of being racist.

    I honestly think we get way too worked up about the presidency though because in my opinion all the president is, is someone who can veto a bill and declare war. Besides that they pretty much represent our country.

    They can’t do shit, they can’t change the world right now, they can’t just make money appear. You people give them way too much credit.

    If there’s something wrong the whole country can’t just expect someone to fix it. The whole world has to negotiate, deal, and do something about it other than whine. Basically we have to world together for once.

  136. nikki Says:

    OBAMA ’08!

  137. karina Says:

    hahah awesome!

  138. katelynn Says:

    hahaha awesome GO OBAMA!!

  139. Kayley((: Says:

    idk wht happened to the little lindsay lohan from the parent trap ?!?!

  140. yourmusicsource10 Says:

    gooo mccain/palin!!hes the only hope we have!

  141. lisa Says:

    i odnt rele like linday that much

    and my whole fam is a mccain/palin supporter

  142. sally Says:

    OBAMA 08! everyone i know and any decent person for that matter wants to see change. and n way in hell is mccain/palin going ot be a good change.

  143. taylor Says:

    gooo mccain/palin!!hes the only hope we have!


    ur not very smart, obviously.

  144. Brooke Says:

    She looks pretty here.

  145. leah Says:

    This says enough for the Democratic Party. You have Lindsay Lohan, a drugged up, major screwed up, lesbian young person…has anyone else noticed that all Obama supporters are young and ignorant? He can only get people who are stupid enough to fall for his lies. Go back to your radical group, Obama.


  146. tryingxtoxfindxaxplacexinxthisxworld Says:

    omg she is a freakin retard and she is a druggie
    seriously i do not like her

  147. Christina Says:

    I don’t think it matters who your voting for, that is a very disrespectful thing to do.

  148. SomeoneWhoCares Says:

    I am a McCain-Palin supporter.

    This display is wrong.






  149. p00p. Says:

    Lesbian Lohan,
    so fucking trashy and disgusting.

  150. its.andy. Says:

    No matter what party she is
    she has no right to make fun at Sara Paulin,
    she is brilliant and so is Mccain, im sorry but obama has no experinece what so ever, he was in the senate for a year, if im not mistaken

    i go Mccain..

  151. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Lindsay can wear whatever the hell she wants for Hallloween. She has the freakin’ right to. I am a Obama-Biden supporter and i think her idea is HILARIOUS!!!!!!! Besides, McCain and Palin have no life.

    P.S- Hey, p00p., who cares if she’s a lesbian. And she is not fucking trashy and disgusting. And she is NOT A WHORE!!!

    Go Democrats! We need a CHANGE! Obama for president 🙂


  152. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    i’m african-american and i have been picked on for my whole life. Why are people so cruel? Black people should be treated with respect. And stop hating on Barack Obama. He is our only chance at living a good life.

    – Hailie and Julia please, be nice. You are setting a REALLY BAD example for everyone.

    Everyone VOTE OBAMA-BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Change is what we can believe in.”

  153. leah Says:

    i’m african-american and i have been picked on for my whole life. Why are people so cruel? Black people should be treated with respect. And stop hating on Barack Obama. He is our only chance at living a good life.

    – Hailie and Julia please, be nice. You are setting a REALLY BAD example for everyone.

    Everyone VOTE OBAMA-BIDEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    “Change is what we can believe in.”

    I do not dislike Obama because he is black. I’m sick of all McCain supporters being called racist. My cousin is half black just like Obama, I have black friends, it has nothing to do with it. I dislike Obama because he’s a radical with no experience. He is connected with terroists. The same ones that plotted to blow up the Pentagon. He also was in an anti-goverment group and tried to overthrow it. Yeah, and now he wants to be president. McCain on the other hand almost died for our country defending himself. He is a true American, unlike Obama and doesn’t make false promises that only young, stupid people like you believe.

  154. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Why are these comment boards filled with Hailie and Julia’s statements?

    …thats really weird…

    Go Barack Obama and Joe Biden!!!!!!!!!!! :):):):)


  155. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    leah, im really sorry. if i did or said anything wrong, just tell me. But, i still am a Obama supporter.

    —– ummm… sorry McCain supporters. my statements were kind of harsh…..

    Sorry Leah.



  156. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Leah, you know how i said i was sorry… well, now i’m angry. Obama supporters are not stupid. I know that McCain almost died being a POW, but Barack has expirience. Still… i’m sorry if i called you a racist (which i didn’t), but you now are getting on my last nerves! :<

    And DO NOT CALL ME A BITCH…….. YOU HATEFUL WHORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😦

  157. karina Says:

    Is she a lesbian?
    where have you been? under a rock?
    rotfl. ive been hiding under a shell.
    so what game we playing?

  158. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Just because I’m young doesn’t mean I’m stupid, leah.

    How old are you anyway, you BITCH? 94? 95? Fucking 99?

    Seriously Leah……. SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  159. kristennn Says:



  160. leah Says:

    Evelyn, quit changing your mind every 2 minutes. I am still a McCain supporter, no matter what. I respect your opinion, as you SHOULD respect mine. I also never called you a bitch, I’m not immature and swear at someone I don’t even know in person.

  161. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Gee…. I’m really sorry everybody!

    I’m going to be nice to everyone from now on 🙂

    By the way… i’m only 12 years old!

    Turning 13 next year is really exciting 🙂

  162. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    i do respect your opinion leah, and i’m sorry. let’s just stop fighting, ok?

    you are are right, i should respect your opinion more.

    I’m sorry. 🙂

  163. leah Says:

    i do respect your opinion leah, and i’m sorry. let’s just stop fighting, ok?

    you are are right, i should respect your opinion more.

    I’m sorry.
    Its fine. I’m sorry too.
    I’m only 13 also I can’t even vote lol.
    But its still fun to share your beliefs. 🙂

  164. Shawnee Says:

    Oh goodie. A bunch of 14, 15, 16-year-old girls arguing about politics on a teen celebrity gossip site. This should be interesting.

  165. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Leah, you are right. It is very fun to share your beliefs. 🙂

    Maybe, we could chat more often. This is really fun for me. Even at a young age like 12. LOL!!!! 🙂

  166. Kayla Says:

    why are we talking about presidentail stuff? im just here to make fun of Miley 🙂


  167. katelyn Says:

    then go to another comment board Kayla!

    If you want to do that so badly…………..

  168. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Just asking, Hailie, what does athiest mean? It’s been bothering me all week.

    This wasn’t meant to hurt you, but i just have to know.

  169. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Hey Shawnee, you are really funny. You should be a comedian! 🙂

  170. Shawnee Says:

    Just asking, Hailie, what does athiest mean? It’s been bothering me all week.


    Basically an individual who doesn’t believe in God, deities, or any supernatural beings.

    And Evelyn, thanks! You’re so sweet, haha

  171. hailie Says:

    I do not dislike Obama because he is black. I’m sick of all McCain supporters being called racist. My cousin is half black just like Obama, I have black friends, it has nothing to do with it. I dislike Obama because he’s a radical with no experience. He is connected with terroists. The same ones that plotted to blow up the Pentagon. He also was in an anti-goverment group and tried to overthrow it. Yeah, and now he wants to be president. McCain on the other hand almost died for our country defending himself. He is a true American, unlike Obama and doesn’t make false promises that only young, stupid people like you believe.

    where were you lat night lol when i was fighting off the most hardcore obama supporters who called me rascist, ignorant, and uninformed even though only 2 people could give me reasons theyre voting for obama. like i said last night, i respect you if you have done research and have chosen the person who you think is best to lead this country, but i dont respect you if you comment to my every post and tell me how uninformed and ignorant i am, even though people refused to give me educated reasons on why they support obama (besides the tired excues of mccains gonna die soon…)

  172. Isa Says:

    This says enough for the Democratic Party. You have Lindsay Lohan, a drugged up, major screwed up, lesbian young person…has anyone else noticed that all Obama supporters are young and ignorant? He can only get people who are stupid enough to fall for his lies. Go back to your radical group, Obama.


    All the celebrities are voting for Obama. Atleast, all the dumb ones are. They think it’s “cool” to be for the democrats. When honestly, if Obama is elected president, the world isn’t going to get better. It’s actually going to get worse. All he is going to do is pull us out of the war and tax the people who work hard for their money. He doesn’t know what he is talking about because he is so inexprienced. McCain fought for his country and exprienced.

    NObama…and it’s not because he is black.

    I’m not racisist because I don’t like Obama! I don’t agree with his views and think he is not a good choice for America because he has absolutley no clue what he is doing.

    McCain/Palin 08′!

  173. Isa Says:

    And that is really gay for her to dress up like that.
    Linsday is just retarded.

  174. TA Says:

    I find it completely stupid that all of the people who I know who are voting for Obama are only voting for him because of the fact that he is black! But no one considers them racist! I am voting for McCain, not because he is white, but because of the issues that matter and I have been called a racist! That is stupid! I agree with almost everything Hailie has said!

  175. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Hey Shawnee, you’re great! Thanks!

    — And thanks for calling me sweet! I really meant what I said! 🙂

  176. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    where were you lat night lol when i was fighting off the most hardcore obama supporters who called me rascist, ignorant, and uninformed even though only 2 people could give me reasons theyre voting for obama. like i said last night, i respect you if you have done research and have chosen the person who you think is best to lead this country, but i dont respect you if you comment to my every post and tell me how uninformed and ignorant i am, even though people refused to give me educated reasons on why they support obama (besides the tired excues of mccains gonna die soon…)

    Hailie, I TOTALLY argree with what you said, but I have certain reasons for wanting Obama for president. My mother has MS, and we don’t want to be taxed for healthcare. And, one of the most important reasons: our Economy.

    Those are some resons for Obama for our next president.

    Again, Hailie, you are not iggnorant, nor are you a racist.

    Pretty deep stuff huh…………. I’m only a mere 12 years old.

    But Hailie, I respect you for believing in your own words. You are pretty cool. Maybe you should be our next President? 🙂

  177. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Basically an individual who doesn’t believe in God, deities, or any supernatural beings.

    And Evelyn, thanks! You’re so sweet, haha
    Shawnee is one nice girl! Once again, I can’t thank you enough for calling me sweet! That really made my day! LOL 🙂

  178. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Since when did this TEEN bloging site become a POLITICAL bloging site? Its getting OOC!!!! (out of control)

    I think everyone should just talk about Lindsay Lohan, instead of everybody’s political views.

  179. hailie Says:

    well evelyn, i understand you wanting the best health care for yourself and your mothe, but mccain will issue a $5000 tax deductible credit for your family to be able to buy healthcare.

  180. ISABELLA! :) Says:

    Since when did this TEEN bloging site become a POLITICAL bloging site? Its getting OOC!!!! (out of control)

    I think everyone should just talk about Lindsay Lohan, instead of everybody’s political views.

    It’s nice to talk about things that actually matter once in awhile. Like the person who is going to be president of the U.S.A?

    I’m mean don’t get me wrong, i like to gossip about the stars but some people like expresses their views on stuff that actually matters.

  181. Omi Says:

    i believe some scandal is going to go down again like back in 2000.
    i still firmly believe that bush cheated and gore should have won.
    who knows maybe the same thing might happen to obama.

    but anyways…


    and yes i get to vote.

    this is my first presidential election and im voting for obama.


    because i believe he can make the changes that we need in our country.
    im not saying he can do it all in 4 years, but he can surely get them started.

    like the issues with health care, i believe he can give us the best coverage than mccain.

    i also believe he can bring back the troops.
    when palin said “obama is going to wave a white flag” or something like that about the war. i thought she was wrong because
    1st-the war was pointless
    2nd-when did we ever go out to war to win?? so again the war was pointless
    3rd-i rather see a “white flag waved” then see our fellow americans die!!

    i dont want to experience the next 8 years all over again.
    mccain/palin havent really come up with a plan that is different from bush.

    plus, i want to be able to say i voted for the first African-American President!!! and yes, i do think race is playing a big factor in this election. which is sooo sad. i mean we’re living in the 21st century and we still cant get past the fact that a half-white half-african american man might be the president.

    BTS (back to subject)
    alright lohan isnt the only one that finds palin scary.
    i mean, if mccain/palin are elected (and god forbid if anything happens to mccain)
    but palin takes over….omg, imma move to a different country!!!

  182. Omi Says:

    leah Says:
    October 13, 2008 at 8:57 pm

    This says enough for the Democratic Party. You have Lindsay Lohan, a drugged up, major screwed up, lesbian young person…has anyone else noticed that all Obama supporters are young and ignorant? He can only get people who are stupid enough to fall for his lies. Go back to your radical group, Obama.



    wow really??
    and who does mccain have??
    a running-mate that abuses her power, a party that comes up with lies about his opponent being a terrorist, and as a result of all their lies he has divided the american people..
    yeah i can really count on a man like that to run my country….

  183. Omi Says:

    I do not dislike Obama because he is black. I’m sick of all McCain supporters being called racist. My cousin is half black just like Obama, I have black friends, it has nothing to do with it. I dislike Obama because he’s a radical with no experience. He is connected with terroists. The same ones that plotted to blow up the Pentagon. He also was in an anti-goverment group and tried to overthrow it. Yeah, and now he wants to be president. McCain on the other hand almost died for our country defending himself. He is a true American, unlike Obama and doesn’t make false promises that only young, stupid people like you believe.


    just because obama is somehow “connected with terrorists” doesnt make him a terrorist. i mean the man is now a teacher and is a good guy (says obama). he did one bad thing and learned from it. it’s the same as anyone else. if your cousin (who you grew up with and knew) robbed a bank wouldnt you defend your cousin??

    plus, obama has more experience then palin.

  184. i heart vfc Says:

    3rd-i rather see a “white flag waved” then see our fellow americans die!!

    my mom worked as a nurse at the VA medical center. Half of the patients there are from the Vietnam where; a war many Americans felt was pointless. We left without accomplishing anything. She can tell you first hand that her Vietnam vets are a whole lot more messed up now then any vets she has seen from WW2. i get what your saying, but i get where the republican campaign is comming from. pulling the troops out without accomplishing anything could have just as many damaging effects.

  185. i heart vfc Says:

    Vietnam War*

  186. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Hailie, thanks for your opinion. I might take that into consideration next time. 🙂

    Thanks again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  187. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Hey ISABELLA! :), I really respect your opinion. Maybe i’ll focus on stuff that really DOES MATTER MORE.

    PS- I love the smiley on the end of your name. It’s soooo cool!

  188. Isabella Says:

    Hey ISABELLA! :), I really respect your opinion. Maybe i’ll focus on stuff that really DOES MATTER MORE.

    PS- I love the smiley on the end of your name. It’s soooo cool!
    LOL, thanks! I wasn’t trying to be rude at all.
    I was just trying to get my point across cause lots of people on this site don’t really respect others opinions so i always try to make myself like clear as possible if that makes sense haha.

  189. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    Trust me, it makes total sense. And you are right, some people don’t respect other people’s opinions. And they should! 🙂

  190. Cassy828 Says:

    OBAMA ’08

  191. Evelyn Rocks!!!! Says:

    what do you want to say now?! OBAMA IS OUR PRESIDENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  192. Couple Halloween Costumes Says:

    Nice costumes

  193. Mark D. Baker Says:

    How many of you trying to solve the worlds problems actually have jobs?

  194. Wikipedia In Which We Engage With The Workers' and Peasants' Struggle Wikizlap Says:

    Plot This Israeli film is a good hearted, gentle, bittersweet comedy about a policeman and his friends.

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