Emma Watson May Go To College In United States

Emma Watson is currently applying to universities in the United States. She told Daily Telegraph: ‘There are excellent universities over there in the US and I’m applying at the moment. If I go to America, I would do a liberal arts program.’

Emma recently scored straight A’s in her high school finishing exams. ‘I would like to go to university and complete a degree and so that will mean a break from acting. I’ve always tried to balance my education with my acting career, but I just don’t think it will be possible to juggle it with a degree course.’I have a need now to study.’

67 Responses to “Emma Watson May Go To College In United States”

  1. Francesca Says:



    shes so gorgeous;;;
    i envy herrrr.

  3. chicken Says:

    who caressss!


    and second!!!!!!!!1

  5. Selena and Jonas Brothers Hater/Miley Lover 4 Life Says:


  6. Selena and Jonas Brothers Hater/Miley Lover 4 Life Says:

    none of you are first, second! only francesa was. get a life fuckers.


    she looks veryy pretty here

  8. boredboredbored Says:

    shes so pretty!
    joes prob gonna start applying now hahah

  9. anonymous Says:

    i love that she’s taking time off for education. people who completely give up school to act probably grow up being wealthy, but not smart. it’s always impressive to see someone in the entertainment business that keeps education as a top priority.

  10. BERTY Says:

    She is gorgeous! She’s smart just like her character Hermoine (:

  11. jsundrdog Says:

    She Is So.


  12. mae` Says:

    Shes so pretty!

  13. ari Says:

    thats pretty awesome for her. like she is a millionare. she doesnt have to work hard if she doesnt want to. but she does. which i have a lot of respect for.

  14. ILOVEJB Says:

    Joe must be happy that she’s coming here. haha

  15. xLmaoox Says:

    .. lmaoo .. shes sooo PRETTY ! .. too bad im not in college =[

  16. B00M Says:

    who caressss!


    we do bitch if you don’t then why are you commenting

  17. Julie Says:

    that’s hmm …. Good!?

  18. thatsrightitsme Says:

    i really dont care about her!! whats so special about her?!?!

  19. Allyson (Team Demi, Selena, T-Swift and Jonas!!!!) Says:

    joes prob gonna start applying now hahah
    I was thinking the same thing!!! Sorry JB fans but JB is over cuz Joe wants to go to college to meet Emma Watson… lol I can see it now!

  20. vv Says:

    why are some people born with everything?! beauty, brains, talent. ergh.

  21. Allyson (Team Demi, Selena, T-Swift and Jonas!!!!) Says:

    Why is no one commenting???

  22. hello :) Says:

    “i really dont care about her!! whats so special about her?!?!”

    uhmm, are you serious? go look at her resume on imdb and compare it to disney stars. thats whats so special.

  23. Lol Says:

    i love how she always prioritizes education

  24. hello :) Says:

    “why are some people born with everything?! beauty, brains, talent. ergh.”

    i know, right? shes like.. super pretty. and obviously she has talent, because shes in all the harry potter movies and everything. and smart. not just because shes smart, but because she knows she should go to college.

    im jealous 🙂

  25. h0llyw00d Says:

    Awh, well good for her 😀

  26. candace Says:

    wow shes so down to earth. thats refreshing. miley could learn a thing or 2.

  27. tia Says:

    Joe should totally dump that country hick he’s dating and hook up with this girl. She’s gorjuzz, talented AND down to earth. and shes super rich. she could totally buy him things. like hair straightners and make-up. and tight pants. it would be a beautiful romance

  28. Allyson (Team Demi, Selena, T-Swift and Jonas!!!!) Says:

    Ya know we should be able to pick our own little smiley face pciture thingys or have them resemble our comments… But then I guess they would all look the same.. I’m so random and bored… I’m waiting for my nail polish to dry so I can’t really do anything else…

  29. xoxoselenademijb Says:

    Joe should totally dump that country hick he’s dating and hook up with this girl. She’s gorjuzz, talented AND down to earth. and shes super rich. she could totally buy him things. like hair straightners and make-up. and tight pants. it would be a beautiful romance

    he did say he liked emma. i think emmas gorgeous and i love how she wants to pause her acting and go to college..now thats a REAL rolemodel

  30. Allyson (Team Demi, Selena, T-Swift and Jonas!!!!) Says:

    Ok i’m bored of Oceanup! Not becuz they are posting boring news but ok nvm… Let’s put it this way… I don’t hate anyone I’m just bored of OceanUp… escpecially this new version… yup…

  31. kara Says:

    I was thinking the same thing!!! Sorry JB fans but JB is over cuz Joe wants to go to college to meet Emma Watson… lol I can see it now!
    Joe should totally dump that country hick he’s dating and hook up with this girl. She’s gorjuzz, talented AND down to earth. and shes super rich. she could totally buy him things. like hair straightners and make-up. and tight pants. it would be a beautiful romance

    I like the Joe and all, but if he breaks up with Taylor (if he even dating her) for her, then that’ll only prove how shallow he really is for breaking up with someone to get someone else who’s prettier. But this is from my perspective so please don’t get mad. :]

  32. Tru Says:

    That is really good, even though you alot of money, but yeah thats really good…..

  33. Frankie Jonas Says:

    i tink mi brudies like herz?

    ❤ Frankie Jonass

  34. joe jonas Says:

    shes gorgeoussss

  35. Taylor Says:

    She’s gorgeous/smart/grounded,

    and she’s a Harry Potter character.

    Hello Perfection!?

  36. Hannah Says:

    good for her!
    I love Emma, she’s awesome 😀

  37. Erika Says:

    thatsrightitsme – this goes to you…
    Dont care about her?! Then why post?!?! Get a life!! We dont need you here posting negative comments!

    No rude intentions/offenses intended, but Emma Watson is way better than
    Miley, Selena, or Demi..

    I love them too! But Emma just seems more better and more professional!& im clearly out with the Demi/Selena and Mandy/Miley thing…
    I support both and If I have to choose one then I will choose NOBODY.

  38. alexia Says:

    Pausing acting to get an education? I agree, that’s a real role model =]

  39. =] Says:

    emma watson is just amazing! i’m so proud of her, and so glad that she actually has education as her top priority. SHE IS A REAL ROLE MODEL. and on top of the brain, she’s got beauty and money. =D
    kudos to you emma.

  40. erica! Says:

    she’s like awsome!(:

    god damn, i wish i had beauty,brains AND talent.
    what a lucky girl.

    im happy for her..oh and i LOVE Harry Potter!<3


    thats amazing!
    you go girls!

  42. jellie Says:

    wow, she’s smart like the role she plays in harry potter

  43. alittlebitlonger Says:

    she’s so gorgeous!

  44. dfmns Says:

    she seems snobby, this girl thinks shes above everyone else

  45. yo. Says:

    we love you emma!<3

  46. Allyson Says:

    Frankie Jonas Says:

    September 24, 2008 at 7:50 am
    i tink mi brudies like herz?

    ❤ Frankie Jonass

    WTJ!!! That’s so not even the real Frankie Jonas… Cuz I’m sure he can actually spell and wouldn’t put a <3… Just pointing that out to the oblivious…

  47. nikki Says:

    love emma watson!

  48. ♥JesseLovesJonas♥ Says:

    I So Love Her!

  49. Rachel Says:



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    I know what it’s like to be a young girl and have all those adolescence problems. Although I am only nineteen I have been through a lot in my life and instead of hiding it I want to share with people so they know that they are not the only ones going through this. I want to dedicate myself to helping others, especially young girls going through their teen years. I’m like the big sister you’ve always wanted and I will never judge you. It’s awesome though because you get to talk about what you like best and you are constantly updated on all news concerning Demi, Selena, Miley, JONAS BROTHERS and you get to talk about anything you have on your mind.

    Over 200 girls have already joined and they love it!

    Like I said all are welcomed to join.

    How to join

    Email me at demijonas@gmail.com with the following:

    Full Name

    Birthday (Month/Day/Year)

    Email address

    I love you all and thank you so much for your interest.



  50. oliviaaa Says:


  51. Carolina Says:

    I love her
    she’s really pretty and Joe has a crush on her 😛

    Jonas Brothers rock my socks! 🙂

  52. ♥JesseLovesJonas♥ Says:

    Frankie Jonas Says:

    September 24, 2008 at 7:50 am
    i tink mi brudies like herz?

    ❤ Frankie Jonass

    What The F*ck?

  53. xoraeeee Says:

    Good for her =]

  54. WOW Says:


  55. Cami Says:

    Gorgeous! =]

  56. g Says:

    thats a silly pic lke the positioning and w.e but shes stilll gorgeous!!

  57. maddie Says:

    she’s hot. i like it that education comes first for her. unlike miley who would probably drop out of school for a famous sex scene.

  58. gabriella Says:

    she’s so amazingly pretty.
    like more so than any of the other young stars.
    she’s gorgeous.

  59. :) Says:

    TIME FLYS! i remeber her on harry potter with her thick fuzzy hair.. so short.. now look at her !lol

  60. wow. Says:

    she looks like a dog.

  61. kaylaheartsyou. Says:

    lol, college in america, wow.

  62. Brittany Says:

    Hahah, could you imagine going to college with Emma Watson? That would be awesome to share a dorm with her! I so wish I could!

  63. nguage) Says:

    i am happy for her to go to collage I think she is pretty, smart, and DOWN TO EARTH, i don’t care if somebodys rich and if they buy me things cause THATS NOT EVERYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  65. Ariel2389 Says:

    I think she should but the next harry potters wont be the same.

  66. Ariel2389 Says:

    I think she should go to college but the next Harry Potter’s won’t be the same.

  67. ronnie Says:

    she is very hot and smart

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