Mom Gets ‘Jonas Brothers’ Tattoo For Tickets

A local radio station recently held a ‘Jobro‘ contest to give viewers a chance to win front row tickets to the upcoming Jonas Brothers concert. Contestants sent in their own YouTube videos and viewers could log on and vote for their favorite.

Viewers got another chance to win second row tickets, this time, by making the ‘Ultimate Commitment.’ So one dedicated mom, Anna Estrada, tattooed ‘Jonas Brothers’ on her neck for her 7 year-old daughter Isabelle.  She said, ‘It’s for my daughter, so I’d do it again.’

137 Responses to “Mom Gets ‘Jonas Brothers’ Tattoo For Tickets”

  1. ASHLEY Says:


  2. ASHLEY Says:

    woop not that i care 😛

  3. Catherine Says:

    First ?

  4. jobro fan Says:


  5. ASHLEY Says:

    btw that is a bit over the top!
    i love jb and everything but to do that is ridiculous

  6. sophie Says:

  7. NessUH. Says:

    i wish i could get a tattoo of jonas brothers on me. that’d be outragous! and be so cool!

  8. boreeed Says:

    wooow…she went waaay too far

  9. Lena Says:

    woah, crazy!
    i wouldn’t do that, even though I looove JB! And I’m sure my mom wouldn’t either!

  10. GERTY HILTON Says:


  11. roxanne Says:

    waaaaaaaaaaaah!! that’s craziiiiiiieeeeeeeeee!!

  12. GERTY HILTON Says:


  13. GERTY HILTON Says:


  14. ASHLEY Says:

    why would you say that?
    no ones even said out about him (:

  15. Mikayla Says:

    omg. crazi.

  16. Nickjerryluver Says:

    WHOA! i dnt thnk my mom will ever do that :p

  17. susan Says:

    I have one in pink and light blue that says they logo

  18. hannah Says:

    stupid mom,
    her daughter will be over them in a year.

    then she will regret it.

    ive got a jb on my wrist,
    only because im not a mom,
    im not 7 and im actually a real fan.
    stupid mom.

  19. Miley Says:


  20. ew Says:

    wow. that’s fucking stupid. i know she loves her daughter and all that. but to let someone tattoo her for tickets, makes me question her judgment and parenting skills.

  21. alabamaaaa Says:

    awwwww that is so nice! everyone stfu

  22. IVY Says:

    that’s love, right there.

  23. ASHLEY Says:

    awwwww that is so nice! everyone stfu

    its not nice as the girl will grow out of them in a couple of years and her mum is left with that scar on her!

  24. Melissa Says:

    i definitely would not do that
    i have a tattoo that reminds me of them, but it only says “music’s in my soul”
    on a bar of music with some music notes.
    but it’s cool she did that for her daughter, she is the coolest mom ever

  25. nichole Says:

    i have jonas lyrics tattooed on my.

    two sets of lyrics.

    but that’s effing ridiculous.

  26. mileylover Says:

    that is just ridiculous
    i mean cmon, just for concert tickets??

  27. milliesays Says:

    haha her daughter totally owes her for life now!

  28. juju bees Says:

    that’s just fucking stupid.

    sucks for her when she realizes that her daughter won’t like them forever.

  29. Yvonne Says:

    WTF? That is crazy and her daughter is ONLY 7 FRIKEN years old. No way!

  30. Kendall Says:

    you have to be kidding me


  31. what? Says:

    thats just ridiculous

  32. Katie Says:

    that’s crazy! I don’t wanna tattoo even if it’s of the Jonas Brothers 😛

  33. Jamie Says:

    I love them, but even I wouldn’t get a Jonas tattoo. That’s soo dumb XD

  34. leslieee Says:

    thats kinda sad….

  35. kate Says:

    i believe she was high when she did this x)

  36. BryonyLuvsJoeJonas Says:

    i mean yes its front row jo bro tickets BUT…

    would u want ur mum to hav a tattoo that said jonas brothers 🙂


    it jst seems kinda strange lol……

    that woman looks weird too

    ^^ love the comment above

  37. Annie Says:

    that’s ridiculous.
    theyre only PEOPLE.

  38. Miley&Jb Says:

    I love them but that’s just ridiculous my mom would not do that ever:D

  39. Rono Says:

    why are you guys sooo rude. :|………..i mean its what the mum wanted to do!…… lot are meanies!

  40. JonasBrothersRockTheWorld!(: Says:

    My mom would never do that for me.
    she thinks us jonas fans are kinda stupid 😛
    I don’t care!

    They are my religion



    I like milez now! again:)


  41. Hannah Says:

    I wouldn’t want my mom to have a tattoo of them.. that is embarrassing.

    Why didn’t she just get their faces tattooed on her forehead or something? that would have been better if you ask me.

  42. mmm Says:

    i would never let my mom tatto their name on her 😐
    haha shw owuldnt do it xD
    i love them 2 death but i would never tatto their name haha

  43. sally Says:

    please check out….


    thanks 😉

  44. Jenna Says:

    I would want my mom 2 do that, i dont care what ppl wud say, I LOVE THE JOBROS FOREVER AND ALWAYS :]

  45. Tiffani Says:

    Thats a little…overboard…
    im sorry but its so stupid..I love JB to death but eventually they wont be as famous as they are anymore and they’ll move on to different things and your stuck with your neck all tatooed up with JONAS BROTHERS written on it…

  46. mileycyruslover Says:

    That`s way too overboard. I mean seriously. You can still get the front row seats next time. But tattoo is forever, like wth that’s so weird…

  47. uhh...yep Says:

    What an idiot!

  48. i heart vfc Says:

    not gonna lie, thats kind of creepy.

  49. Nina Says:

    That’s one of the dumbest things I’ve ever seen.

    But, she must really love her daughter.

  50. bel Says:

    wow. gayest thing ive ever seen. besides the jonas brothers.

    jb fans go suck a big one, like your precious jonas brothers do!

  51. MIKA Says:

    wow that’s fucking retarded.
    i like jb and all but this is reallyy stupiddddddd

  52. ABbbbbbYYYYYYYYYYY :P Says:

    lmfaooo OMGGG
    im a VERY dedicated jb fan
    but I would NEVER ask my mother to do this
    thats horrible

  53. Carine Says:

    My mom wouldnt do that! –‘
    Lol i think she went a little over the top
    Well maybe ALOT

  54. Olivia Says:

    all i did for front row was que up for half an hour..and we had no gap between us and them, that is rather ridiculous

  55. Jessica Says:

    Wow Umm
    I love the Jonas Brothers as much as the next girl
    but this is pretty over the top!
    Wow I don’t think I will be getting their names on me anytime soon!

  56. Spencer. Says:

    i have a jonas brother’s tattoo. it’s lyrics, though.
    it’s the chorus to 7:05 but it’s justified to it’s a box.
    and it has this cute victorian era border around it.
    i love it.

  57. joanna Says:

    i wonder how spoiled that little girl really is.

  58. Ellise Says:

    WOW :O

    That Is The Most Stupid Thing I Have Ever Heard Of
    I Wonder Wat JB Would Think If They Knew About This??

  59. melani Says:

    She “did that for her daughter” nod nod wink wink,yeah right lady I bet she ‘s obsessed with them herself!

  60. Kristina Says:

    thats terrible

  61. mariana Says:

    >.< just one word: CRAZY!!! fer vamos a LA!!

  62. Lynn Says:

    I’m speechless.

  63. Victoria Says:

    aw. i think that the Jonas Brothers would think that that was nice of her to do.

  64. JonasBrothersRockTheWorld!(: Says:

    If jonas brothers are still my favourite band when I turn 18 I will tatoo JoeNick&Kevin in myslef probably.



  65. fer Says:

    >.< hahaha si vamos a LA y tambien por lo de pollito1 jaja te acuerdas??

    oh yeah thats cool! That shows how important is her daughter for her 🙂

  66. G. Says:

    i would never do that, she’s crazy o.o

  67. eek Says:

    SOME PEOPLE DO CRAZY THINGS!! tattoos are permanent! I have one, but its a memorial tattoo for my grandpa who passes away in April

  68. weeee Says:

    I wonder if that 7 year old is even going to remember the concert in two years.

    Oh, right, because all she has to do is look at her mother’s neck.

  69. JonasBrothersRockTheWorld!(: Says:

    I would get a tatoo of one of their songs lyrics but when I turn 18 and only If I like them aahah no I don’t think so I don’t like tattoos or piercings.

  70. JonasBrothersRockTheWorld!(: Says:

    Well I will always love them actually but a tattoois TOO MUCH.
    But It would be kinda cool.

  71. michelle Says:

    It will be funny when two years from now, maybe three, her daughter denies even liking them LMAO!. that mother is an IDIOT, (obsessions come and go but tattoos are forever, haahah!)

  72. " Says:

    Haha wow!

  73. lasjdlfksjf Says:

    hahahahahhah wow she is gonna regret that

  74. Maddy Says:

    Thats sweet.
    And I doubt she will regret it because she will know its something she did for her daughter.

  75. yo Says:

    That’s insane.

  76. hailienoel Says:

    i think it would all be fine if it wasnt THE SIDE OF HER NECK. theres no way to cover that up!

  77. maddie Says: CELEBRITY GOSSIP!!!!

  78. woah! Says:

    My mom would never do that..

  79. unforgettable Says:

    she could always get it removed,
    or change it somehow. like bonus mothers.
    kind of how johnny depp changed his from “winona forever” to “wino forever”

  80. jessie Says:

    i think it would all be fine if it wasnt THE SIDE OF HER NECK. theres no way to cover that up!


    um. theres this thing called hair.
    but yes, this is pretty insane.

  81. [Jonas-Secrets-Creeper] Says:

    okay thats just stupid.
    even I wouldn’t do that..

  82. u Says:

    that is ridiculous……..a HUGE WASTE OF MONEY FOR A STUPID FAG BAND.

  83. cara mara. Says:

    stop judging this ladie, jeeeebus.

  84. xoraeeee Says:

    Psh. I’d get one. Lol maybe a temporary one but not a real one

  85. thebonedance Says:


  86. Juliie Says:

    aw thats so sweet, my mom would never do that! XD

  87. hannah Says:

    its ONE concert
    like yeah i would do anything to go second row
    but this moms OVER THE TOP!
    and her daughters SEVEN
    she wont even remember when shes a teenager
    and now this mom will have JONAS BROTHERS on her neck forever
    people like this annoy me so much

  88. Shania Says:

    its ONE concert
    like yeah i would do anything to go second row
    but this moms OVER THE TOP!
    and her daughters SEVEN
    she wont even remember when shes a teenager
    and now this mom will have JONAS BROTHERS on her neck forever
    people like this annoy me so much


    She’s old, she’ll die before she regrets it.

  89. skankburger Says:

    omg, why would you ever do that.
    i dont care if its for your daughter. that tattoo probably cost just as much as a concert ticket. wow… shes going to regret that one.


    wow -___-

  91. heyyyyyy Says:

    that’s nice of her, lol.

    I think it’s a little MUCH, but it’s cute. my mom would NEVER hahah.

  92. wow. Says:


  93. Me Says:

    haha omgosh thats crazy!

  94. DanceBrittanyDance♥ Says:

    Epic Fail!
    It’s Like If I Asked My Mom To Get A Hanson Ticket Back In The Day, Totally Ridiculous |:

  95. holla Says:

    Epic Fail!
    It’s Like If I Asked My Mom To Get A Hanson Ticket Back In The Day, Totally Ridiculous |:


    true. the jonas brothers are so hanson 2.0

  96. angelica Says:


    tattoos, in my eyes, are so beautiful and works of art —
    i have two: the word trust on my wrist, and the words “forgive me” on my back

    but never jonas brothers 🙂

  97. me Says:

    noone cares!
    that poor lady
    i wonder who would so that
    my mom wouldn’t!
    and she peirced and she loved tatoos and peircing!
    thats just rediculous
    the jb are sooo not gonna be famous in two years! or whatever
    and shes just gonna have thta tatoo and they are just a washed up boy band!

  98. Hannah Says:

    That is ridiculous. Someone should slap that mother and her daughter for being so outrageous.

  99. Allie Says:

    That’s so sweet,
    Thats a really really good mom. She got a jonas brothers tattoo for her daughter, that is super sweet.

    Why is everyone saying ‘that’s stupid! slap her.” umm, alright ?
    That was really nice of her to do,
    If your mom did that for you to get some tickets, you’d be very thankful wouldn’t you?

  100. cc Says:


  101. Nikki Says:

    Ew, these people epitomize TRASH! It’s not even hidden or could be hidden. The positive side, these people can park their house outside the venue. How convenient!

  102. Dangaaa Says:

    tattoo? thats a bit too much..i personally looooove jb..but tattoo?? i don’t think i’d do it..but i think that was kinda cute..coz she did it for her 7 year old daughter. my mom would never even think about it..ahah.

  103. DemiOwnsMiley Says:

    i wish i had a mom like that

    thats a big ass commitment.
    unless she’s rich enough to get it removed :p

  104. DemiOwnsMiley Says:

    my friend got a tattoo of JB!

    but it was temporary :]

  105. Mirnousha12 Says:

    OMG that’s so nice from the mother but doesn’t she care about herself or anything

  106. Bea Says:

    maybe for your 15 year old who actually CARES about their music & it means something to her.
    not for a 7 year old!
    wich will be over it in a month

  107. Irene Says:

    i think its so sweet for that mother to do that for her daughter.
    but i’d never do that honestly.
    like what happens when jb gets old?
    that thing will be on her for LIFE..

  108. Holly Says:

    if i had to i would get jonas on my wrist

  109. BlEEP! Says:

    i’d do the sameeee <3333333333333

  110. jbgurl96 Says:

    y do ppl h8 kevin? hez hot and has a great voice not to mention a good dancer lol. im not planning on getting a tatoo… it goes against my values. but that mom waz REALLY commited

  111. lea.mkr. Says:

    oh my goodness!
    who would do that?
    i get the whole “omg jobro!” thing but thats a tad loopy.

    just saying.

  112. biel Says:

    i kinda feel bad for the mom. :/
    she might regret ever getting that tatoo.

  113. Amanda Says:

    aw, what a nice mom.
    my mom would never do that for me!
    but then again, i don’t think i’d want her to.

  114. paulina Says:

    if i got a tattoo for jb
    it would be a lyric from
    one of my favorite song
    from them

    i would just put
    Jonas Brothers on
    the side of my

  115. meghan Says:

    i think that its so sweet that the mom did that for her daughter…just hope she appreciates what her mom did so that she could get the tickets for her

  116. kS Says:

    I think this was the STUPIDEST thing ever. I’m glad that she loves her daughter so much but umm ya that’s stupid!

  117. Alyssa Says:


  118. naomiheartsjonas Says:

    if i wanted a tattoo i would get one but it would be smaller and not somewhere so obvious.

  119. naomiheartsjonas Says:

    ^^yes, a jonas tattoo. 😀

  120. ashley.jonas Says:

    HOLY CRAP my mom would never do that
    and as much as i love them i dont think i would do it
    and if i did i wouldnt gey it on mt neck!!!

  121. ashley.jonas Says:


  122. M;) Says:

    omg within a few months people will probs hate the Jonas Brothers, just like they hate Miley now.
    Then this woman will be sorry!

    and her kid won’t like JB forever! i listened to music a year ago that i cant stand now! hahaha

  123. michele Says:

    melani Says:
    October 24, 2008 at 9:22 pm

    She “did that for her daughter” nod nod wink wink,yeah right lady I bet she ’s obsessed with them herself!

    lmfao thats funny. and this lady is crazy.. she could have atleast gotten it in a less visible placee so she doesnt look like a total idiot

  124. Sneha Says:

    Thats crazy.
    My mom would never do that, and i wouldent want her to.
    I love JB but woah.

  125. Sneha Says:

    Miley Says:

    October 24, 2008 at 6:01 pm
    Eww. Stop stalking him Miley…..

  126. POPTART141 Says:

    She is going to regret that once the Jonas Brothers start to stop
    making music!

  127. Mrs.Nick Jonas Says:

    that is just stupid, but i do have to say its her body and its her daughter, she can do whatever she wants to do!!! that is still stupid, cause’ her daughter is probaly
    1) a spoiled rotten brat
    2) only 7 with an attitude of a teenager
    3) and ONLY CHILD!!!!

  128. name Says:

    just wahou

  129. MrsJonas:] Says:

    Baha, talk about a die-hard mom.

  130. abril jonas Says:

    here in mexico the jobros have the best and crazy fans in all the world
    and yeah thats is true becouse indecember the jobros perfoming here in mexico thats be the best concert of my life

  131. Sally Says:

    My friends mom like totally like like almost did like this… like!!

  132. Lara Says:

    Okay, I love them and all, but there is such a thing as going too far… I could understand if she herself was a fan, but for her 7 year old daughter?? What an idiot! If she wanted tickets so bad, then OMG! Just buy some off eBay! Yeah, they may not be as good, but who cares… The kid is 7 FFS! and if she would really be bothered about not having great tickets, then maybe the mother should teach her some manners and teach her to be grateful for what she DOES have! To be honest, only an idiot would do this for someone else when they aren’t really a fan! I hope this woman lives to regret this!

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  134. Dumaaa Says:

    Two years later, a kid named Justin Bieber will have a fan`s mother do the exact same thing! 😉

  135. anna Says:

    First of all you don’t know me, to question my parenting skills, you’re an idiot. i love my daughter and i would do it again, she was only 7 at the time but to see her face at the concert was well worth it. I was unemployed and my daughter never asked for much, when this opportunity came about I jumped at the chance. I don’t regret it one bit and I’m not fucking stupid so all those who are judging me, go F yourself! My daughter is not a spoiled brat either, get to know someone and the situation they are in before you start to criticize!!! GET A LIFE all those with negative responses…

  136. anna Says:

    who ever said they would slap me, I will be waiting for you!!!!

  137. shaky Says:

    really impressive i think these are great

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